I value high quality products that will last a long time, and choosing the most environmentally friendly option whenever possible. As Patagonia phrases it–”cause no unnecessary harm”
In my vision, companies care about sustainability goals, and prioritize low-waste options over pure profits. They are not thwarted by investors that demand profit at any cost, and they adhere to all environmental regulations.
One intervention is the B Corp certification. B corps have a legal obligation to work towards a social or environmental goal, prioritizing their workers and values in addition to the interests of their shareholders. The companies must also meet high standards for business practices and impact reduction. As a result, companies are not beholden to investor interests. This allows them to prioritize values and goals over pure profits.
Photo: Patagonia is a great example of a company that makes environmental protection a central goal.
Hi Anya,
I love how your vision centers around a desire for companies to prioritize sustainability, valuing low-waste options over pure profits and remaining committed to environmental regulations despite investor pressures. Considering Patagonia is an outdoors -centered company, how would you suggest other companies use this to target marketing without straying from their consumers desire?
Hi Anya, I agree that shifting to B Corps would be an effective means of allowing companies to adhere to more sustainable practices while not endangering their own existences. By eliminating constraint from investor demands, B Corp certification would effectively be able to economically incorporate sustainability into our society.
Hi Anya! I absolutely love that Patagonia phrase – "cause no unnecessary harm". I agree with you, if more businesses can get on the B Corp bandwagon and prioritize their impact on workers, communities, and the environment, we'd be heading in the right direction.