My vision is for there to be a world that effectively regulates water usage and understands the value of water. The amount of usable water in the world is declining and gradually cities across the world will eventually lose access to freshwater, such as places like Barcelona, Mexico City, and Tokyo, etc.
I and I'm sure many others value water as the resource we need to survive and I believe in a human right to access clean water. I envision a world where everyone can continue to have access to this water and not worry about the decline and I believe that starts with regulating the ecosystem service of water itself. I want to start a movement to push for systemic interventions to solve these problems such as law changes - there should be laws implemented that restrict corporations and their water use - a major portion of the water being used is actually from these corporations producing the products we consume, agriculture and industry. Additionally these restrictions on corporations could possibly also fix the issue of overconsumption by producing less goods and using up less water to produce them so that less planned obsolesce -> less overconsumption of goods. These large corporations need to become more aware of how they're using water. There needs to be legislation regarding such an important central resource and so municipalities should protect this ecosystem service regarding water. If there are laws implemented, this would push the incentive for us to value water. I think on a personal level for regular civilians such as myself, we can take small steps that build overtime to reduce our water usage - such as taking shorter showers, turning off water facets as we brush our teeth, etc. Little changes like these, if we collectively follow these habits of saving water, can lead to big changes - overall a larger impact on us saving water. I hope for a future in which we do not have to worry about the world running out of water and we all have access to freshwater in the years to come.
Great post! Agricultural waste water usage is such a difficult topic: on the one hand, water is of course critical to growing the food we need to survive, but on the other hand nitrogen, phosphorous and pesticide runoff has a major impact on the environment. I wonder what kind of proposal you would be thinking of to curb their water use? Maybe something like progressive water pricing for corporations based on their yearly waste water output?