I envision a future where "required" consumption is changed.
We need to shift our mindset when purchasing something. The items we consume and purchase shouldn't be for a social status or any other signaling.
In my future I envision, myself and my peers will not be influenced by manufacturers to buy things we don't need. A place where we are not required to buy anything, just what we need for our own lives. Part of this is a more educated consumer who has their own personal views in the forefront of what they need to purchase and not the ideas of a corporation.
Another part of this shift in mindset should have people finding more happiness from time spent with individuals than objects with big price tags. Finding such happiness from objects is fleeting and will only contribute to the climate crisis. I will not purchase items on the fly and think about what I need for my own lifestyle before purchasing something to ensure im not persuaded by anyone but myself.
Hi Mathew! I am looking forward towards that kind of future as well :) I would love to see a day where the price tag doesn't dictate our status and identity and we are free to engage in what makes us happy, regardless of the price.
100% agree with this, the corporate/entertainment complex has a huge stranglehold over what our percieved needs are vs what our actual needs are. Although, like pretty much everything, this isn't a black and white issue, humans are inherently social and require some kind of way to express ourselves externally. Unfortunately, this has developed into what we see now and there is absolutely a way to do this sustainably.
I definitely agree with needing more education in order to achieve the goal of less consumption in this world! I think this education should start young -- children should learn that companies use marketing to make people feel inadequate, so these children can grow up as more informed consumers.
hey Mathew! I am interested in learning more in your ideas of eliminating required consumption, do you think there are more avenues for the government to protect consumers from corporate strategies like this?
I definitely agree here. The happiness an item brings is fleeting for sure. Changing someone's mindset is always hard but ultimately the best course of action. I'm curious if anyone has tactics for mindset changes! I definitely feel like watching documentaries that detail the consequences of our actions helped me shift my mindset but it might not work for others.
I think educating consumers is a great and very important part of the change we want to see!
I totally agree with you that the happiness achieved from purchasing new things is fleeting...it's crazy how well companies have brain-washed us in a sense to believe that buying = happiness. I would love to live in the world that you envisioned!
I totally agree, the consumption for social status pose countless pressire on people and also may encourage bad comparisons among people.