The effects from unplanned forest fires are one of the most prominent things for me during this time of year. I still remember around this time 2 years ago when Vancouver was ranked as having the worst air quality in the world according to the World Quality Index. The smoke from the fires were unhealthy for the public and we were recommended to stay inside. Having experienced the air pollution from forest fires, I have learned to value the importance of keeping fires controlled whenever possible, as this not only impacts us but also the wildlife in that forest AND the environment overall. I envision a world where people are more motivated to be more mindful of any possible fire starters when they go into the forest. Although I don't go camping much, I do go hiking during the summer and near the end of summer when forest fires are most likely to happen. I am not very knowledgable of the regulations put into place to avoid uncontrolled fires, so I feel that having more information that is given to the public more accessibly will be helpful. The more informed people are of the preventative actions that can be taken, the fewer the chances are of an uncontrolled fire breaking out. Additionally, more strict regulations can be put into place to deter people from acting too carelessly in the forest.
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Hi Destinie! I also remember how poor the air quality was in the world 2 years ago. I too feel not as knowledgable of the regulations put into place to avoid uncontrolled fires, and think that this information should be more readily accessible to the public.