This week's topic is a challenging one. How do we deal with death? Is it right to try to sway opinion about what people should do with their bodies? Shouldn't that be their choice?
But is an uninformed choice a choice at all?
My values this week are open-mindedness and awareness. Many of the death care options we learned about this week (e.g. aquamation) were ones I had never heard of before. My impression is that the same is true for many North Americans.
I envision a world where everyone is aware of the full range of options available for their bodies. People will not choose sustainable methods unless they are aware they are available.
My proposed intervention is financial support for eco-friendly funeral homes. Some funeral home directors, such as Chris Benesch, support the provincial legalization of aquamation. Financial support for vocal advocates of aquamation will increase the salience of the issue locally and raise awareness that aquamation should be an option for British Columbians.

Thank you for embedding that link Philip! I loved your post.
Hi Phillip, great post! I had no idea what the term aquamation mean't before I read your post. I think that it is definitely an option that could be legalized in the future and can help move the death-care industry towards more sustainable options!
Philip, this is a great post! I think that your intervention is a great way to get more people to choose aquamation.
Great post! I also wasn't aware of aquamation as a death care method, and I agree people should be informed and offered these alternative sustainable methods.