As we approach our final day of ENVR 430, I'm left with mixed emotions. It's bittersweet, as I'm sad that it's over but happy that it happened. Not to be dramatic but this course was my entire personality trait this semester. After every single class I ran to my friends and family excited to tell them about the topic we had discussed. My friends genuinely thought I was only taking ENVR courses (I'm in a combined major and this is my only ENVR course) this semester because I talked about it so much. Not only did this course change me, but I used it to change others around me.
And this isn't the end, it's merely the beginning. I will continue educating myself and advocating for change. I will keep informing those around me about environmental issues. In fact, I think this course was my deciding factor into pursuing a career in environmental policy.
Thank you so much Dana and Dr. Chan for everything you put into this course and for making it what it was. We all appreciate you both and wish you the best!
Love this!!! I am also sad, but your post made me laugh :). I can totally relate to that post-class feeling of hope and excitement for the future.