I envision a raised awareness and possibly social responsibility in terms of the environmental impacts of the business sector. By that means, I bet most business corporations are actually smart enough to know what are the problems with climate change and ecological disturbances. However, they are just showing ignorance as they don't see the immediacy needed to make a change now.
The underlying values in this vision are interconnectedness with society and a sense of performing civic duty within the role of businesspeople.
To reach this goal, the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an important role in systematically incorporating some eco-friendly practices into business operations. Among this self-regulatory business model, b-corp certification is a good example of implementation. Companies could have a good image and could be perceived by customers and potential investors as socially accountable and eco-conscious, which can incentivize these business brands to prioritize complying with eco-friendly standards in their operations, structure, and various work processes.

Image credits: TheGivingMachine
By the way,
does seem to indicate that b corp has some interest and concern, as a consultancy, for human rights and environmental rights issues in establishing standards for conducting sustainable ecologically and socially responsible "business".
Setting and upholding best practice standards is always a work in progress as situations change and systems evolve. "Business" entities with different sets of challenges in their respective and emerging industries with different benchmarks for industry "gold standards" share their operational, socio-ecological marketing integrity (temptation to greenwash or resort to spin-doctoring ranges from subtle to blatant forms of dishonesty) challenges. Administrative governance, overall strengths and weaknesses, definitions of profitability that go beyond monetary values, but may also be based on relational values of intrinsic, aesthetic, emotional, psychological, spiritual, biodiverse ecological, pristine environmental, natural zoological, natural botanical, healthy social, intercultural, all-inclusive and universally accessible, and more values going beyond only material and monetary assets.
Shorter and longer term goals (7 Generations to Cherish & Consider!) seem to guide b corp as a "new giant egg" growing and developing. B corp seems to be growing its customer base while carefully marketing its brand reputation - even though impact assessment criteria and certification assessment standards are unknown or vague to the general public, b corp is positioning itself to become the quintessential information and data analysis advising consultancy workhorse devoted to "sustainable" business intelligence for informed practice.
Managing and marketing its brand reputation, b corp is founded on business networking for data collection and analysis of industry relevant and entity specific standards for continuous learning and improvement on ever present and emerging issues in sustainability. Combined with a greed for knowledge with a view to dominating the information and data market to support business intelligence and guide sustainable policy enactments and investments - while gaining more more knowledge to transform into expertise in order to solidify its role as an advisory consulting body with a socially, ecologically, and ethically responsible business standards assessment & certification standard. At least, that appears to be the goal of b corp.
lots of words, but distilling the information about assessment and certification into key points or topic headings & highlights? Unfortunately, nothing is available publicly, so far that I have seen. Most of the document talks vaguely about how organizations are classified for the sake of distinguishing between types of entities - for the sake of organizing the data they collect in the certification process.
In the meantime, still searching for answers from B Corp about how they offer value-added ecologically and socially sustainable substance. Maybe it's proprietary? Maybe we'll never know unless we buy in?
If I missed something, please do let us know! 😊