Hello, my name is Hunter and I am a fourth-year student majoring in biology. With this degree I hope to seek a career and specialize in either pharmaceuticals or medicine. I am extremely excited to be enrolled in ENVR 430 as it is quite a drastic change in content and style of learning from what I am used to in technical biology, chemistry and physics courses. The thought of teaching linear thinkers, such as science students, to broaden their perspective in regards to the way they approach situations is something I have been yearning for since my first year at UBC. ENVR 430 will familiarize myself and my fellow peers in science on how to think outside the box, with application to maintaining and/or creating new sustainable ecological practices throughout society. I can't wait to tackle the environmental climate crisis as a team and aid in the positive movement to #UnleashValues.
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Hi Hunter! Is there anything you think we can learn from technical bio, chemistry, or physics in addressing the climate crisis? Any hard science skills?