When you think about organic produce, you think of healthy, naturally grown, and pesticide-free. What would you say when I tell you that this is entirely wrong? Organic fruits and vegetables are not pesticide-free. The truth is that organically grown fruits and vegetables are generally sprayed with pesticides many times. If you really do want some produce that is not sprayed with pesticides, what you should really be looking for is "pesticide-free" produce, not organic. The issue is, however, that these are extremely difficult to find. The majority of today's produce has some sort of pesticide residue on it. When people buy organic produce, the main reason they choose to buy organic is that they believe they are buying pesticide-free produce. In fact, I ran into this quote about organic farms as I was looking into this topic: "They're organic by the letter, not organic in spirit... if most organic consumers went to those places, they would feel they were getting ripped off." So now, when you think about organic foods, do you still think they are better?
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Hello Arsh! I love how straightforward and easy your post was to understand about the products being marketed as "organic". As a consumer, I definitely was confusing organic with pesticide free and will make sure to look for pesticide-free in my products from now on!