I envision a future where we are able to plan death care, in a way where our death does not impact the lives of others. One thing I value is being considerate: thinking about others, and not doing something that negatively impacts someone else’s life. We can be/are selfish for our entire lives, the one time when we can step back and think about other people can be towards the end of our lives. Of course, we do not know when death will come, but once we are between the ages of 40-50, we should start planning our death care to make our end-of-life wishes known. Cremation and anti-ecological burials are the two most chosen methods of death care, and they both come with impacts on the environment and other individuals. As mentioned in class there are other solutions that people do not even know of, as death is such a taboo problem, and people are hesitant to talk about it. Without properly planned death care, the decisions are left to your loved ones who are going through an extremely vulnerable time and can be easily manipulated by funeral homes who are only looking for their profit. As for interventions, it will be impossible to implement a law that forces certain death care on you, as people’s beliefs and religion heavily way in on how people live their lives from life to death, however, maybe we can implement a law which requires you to have a death care plant by a certain age, that could possibly reduce the number of cremations and anti-ecological burials. What we can do is open up and talk about death and death care, perhaps hold meetings/workshops that give death care education. We need to educate others about options other than cremation and anti-ecological burials, like natural burials and donating to science. The more we talk about it, and the more knowledge we have about more eco-friendly options, the more likely we are to choose them.
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Hi Garmen,
Your vision of a world where people can embrace open discussions about topics like death-care is very forward-thinking. The emphasis on values such as vulnerability and open communication around difficult subjects is crucial, especially when considering the impact of end-of-life choices on both individuals and the environment. Very well said!
Hi Garmen! I agree that we definetly need to have more open conversation about options after death. Have you ever encountered resistance when suggesting alternative options?
Hi Gamen, I agree with you that we have to open up a conversationa about different death care options we have other than just cremation and burial. I also did not really know much about the green-burial option until after class.
I completely agree that we need more education on death-care practices!! I didn't know about some of the options until this week
The first couple sentences of your post really stood out to me as I've heard stories about people spending money on funerals that they could not afford because they felt obligated to "provide the best" for their loved ones.