I envision that future agriculture is sustainable even though it requires large amount of endeavor. Nowadays, the sustainable food is not enough to supply the world’s food need which is the main reason that most of the agriculture is not sustainable. The food quality is not promised according to the current production of food. To solve this problem, I think that governments should give sustainable farmers more subsidies to ensure that all production of food is sustainable.
Sustainable agriculture always requires more money than conventional industrious agriculture. This difference usually reflects in the grocery store, the prices of the industrious food and the sustainable food. Not all people are willing to buy food in a higher prices. To better solve this question, governments should contact sustainable farmers and grocery stores that they can make good deals for selling sustainable food. Meanwhile, grocery stores need to control the prices of the sustainable food to make it has the price close to the traditional food or even lower than it. Customers who are willing to pay for the sustainable food may have discounts to attract them.
I agree, the more sustainable option can often be more expensive or difficult to access such as produce straight from the farm in an urban city.
Hello Yaxi, I agree with your idea to make sustainable agriculture more affordable as it would be a great idea to motivate consumers to shop locally! This will definitely help consumers of all financial statuses, as well as our local farmers.
Hi yaxi, I totally agree with your idea that government should absolutely redistribute their susbidies on food for people. It does not make sense for me that government distributze most of the subsidies on crops that feed livestocks must becasue those are more profitable, but they should really consider that countless people died due to starvation and undernutrition.
Hi Yaxi, thats a super interesting idea you pose about having discounts for customers who buy "pricier" sustainable food! It doesn't make sense to me that something that's better for the environment costs more, those kinds of products should be rewarded! It would be a really great way to encourage sustainable practices on an individual scale :)
Hi Yaxi, I agree that money seems to be a major driving force in a lot of decisions and the government and grocery stores need to start setting incentives (lower pricing) for sustainable practices to encourage sustainability and combat climate crisis inducing practices. Great post!
I agree with you that some non-renewable or difficult to renewable food resources should not be promoted as "luxury and noble" (such as rare animals), we should promote people to understand and recognize sustainable renewable agricultural resources.
A new view from tan is that grocery stores can contribute to sustainable food, but I think the subsidy of the discount is still supported by the government. Maybe posters can show on the wall in grocery stores to emphasize the importance of sustainable food for consumers. Great post!