My vision for a positive future involves putting an end to the overconsumption of fast fashion, planned obsolescence of goods and instead have manufacturers produce better quality goods with increased durability and reusability. I believe we should not have to buy new things all the time if they're repairable or durable, and we should only really be buying things we actually need. Overconsumption is depleting the planet’s natural resources as products are continually being produced and detrimental to the environment especially as these very same products are thrown out and burnt e.g. clothes. My plans for change involve first advocating against fast fashion and for better quality goods through campaigns such as through social media, encourage and educate people to learn more about the processes behind fast fashion and planned obsolescence in hopes that people can consume less from these retailers, and hopefully push for laws that can be enforced against these issues. Specifically for fast fashion, a way to encourage people to reuse their clothes and consume less is to make the trend of "capsule wardrobes" more popular - these are essentially where you only buy select pieces of clothing that are neutral colored that never go out of style and easily complement each other. I hope that together, we can work towards improving the issue of overconsumption and gradually improving the environment.
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Hi Natalie,
Thank you for sharing your vissions and values. I also agree that fast fashion is harmful for the earth, and due to the pricing and marketing it draws in consumers and continues this cycle of buy and toss out. More awarness needs to be shared on how harmful it actually is.
I like your vision for the fashion trend using neutral colour that will not go out of style, we need to promote this perspective and this is precisely the current difficulty.
Hi Natalie, I definitely agree with your plan for change, and I agree that social media is a good way to do this. However, how would you implement this? Advocating against fast fashion, something that is such a prominent part of our society today, can be very challenging and would surely cause disagreement on any social media platform. How would you sway these consumers to align with your views?
Planned obsolescence in particular is a significant obstacle on the path of attaining true sustainability. I feel like in the modern day, when something becomes obsolete, people are obligated to replace old items. This a major problem as it encourages corporations to continue creating products that implement planned obsolence. This becomes somewhat of a vicious cycle resulting in people having to regularly replace items in order to actually be able to use them or have functions that are up to date. This is problematic because, as you described, the resources on this planet we call home are finite. We cannot keep maintaining this cycle as this runaway and unsustainable system is bound to collapse with catastrophic consequences at some point in the future.
Hi Natalie! your views on overconsumption are deffinetly very important and intresting. However, what can we do on the money side of things. Because by having better quality, it typically comes with a greater cost which is a big reason on why short fashion is a thing.
Hi Natalie! I loved reading your views on overconsumption. I agree that using campaigns like social media is great way to start conversations about fast fashion. I have personally seen the Tiktok trends on "capsule wardrobes" and have been inspired - when purchasing items, I now only purchase items that are considered "staple pieces".
Hi Natalie, I love how you incorporated the idea of a capsule wardrobe. I agree that this could be very helpful for minimizing our consumption by focusing on buying timeless peices that are good quality and will last us for as long as possible. I also thing this plays into minimalism and we can use this "capsule wardrobe" attitude when purchases not just clothes but other things in our lives such as furniture and technology.
I've never heard of the idea of "capsule wardrobes"! What an interesting concept
One e terrible problem is that some people with high economic level would rather buy a new one than repair it. They don't care about waste. Such deep-rooted ideas may not be solved by education. I think it's time for a new law.
I like your idea of informing people of the negative impacts of fast fashion through social media! I believe social media has pushed many people into a habit of overconsumption since people's favourite celebrities and brands are constantly promoting the newest and greatest material item they love. I think a great way to shift our society into a less consumeristic one is by also adding the topic of consumption/fast fashion into high school curriculums.
Well said Natalie! I love the idea of having a capsule wardrobe. Adding onto your thought, I think a great way to spread this idea is on various social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook etc... this way this idea can leave an impression on the younger generation who are the prime 'victims' to fast fashion!
Nicely said Natalie! I agree that social media has played a big role in cultivating the consumer culture and the culture for fast fashion. And social media also has the same power in changing and influencing trends and culture in discouraging fast fashion and promoting a more sustainable way of living. I think the CoSphere movement and what we are doing in the ENVR class is a big and important first step in changing the culture.
I agree, I also think the problem of overconsumption is something we can change. It can start with not supporting fast fashion and becoming more aware of our choices.
It was so interesting when I learned about the ugly stuff behind fast fashion - when I saw the stores I thought that recycling the clothing is a completely good thing. Now I know that it's the demand that we have to reduce, and recycling that we should promote. Great post!
Nice summary! I think you touch well on many factors that contribute to overconsumption. If you have any more tips on creating sustainable capsule wardrobes, please share! I think they are a creative way for people to continue to express themselves as individuals with a lesser environmental impact!