I value individual who makes effort to recycle because not everyone takes time to sort out their daily wastes due to busy schedule, or at least from my experience of seeing so many neighbours tossing recyclables into the trash.
I envision recycling facilities following proper recycling practice without dishonesty so plastics end up where they are promised to go. Recycling effort should be compensated with transparency for the good of the environment and absolutely not for the greed of businesses.
Since the fraction of plastic that truly got recycled is very small, we should restrain the need for singled-use plastics as much as possible. Start bringing reusable containers and pack your own lunch to limit take out containers, and restrain from buying bottled water to prevent businesses from taking advantage of profit and going against environmental policy. Participate in Ocean Wise shoreline clean up (https://ocean.org/pollution-plastics/shoreline-cleanup/).
Image source: Open government access (https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/advances-in-recycling-and-replacing-plastics/85903/)