Whether it is in our food, packaging, or single-use bags, plastic is everywhere. I envision a future in which governments ban plastic use and encourage sustainable alternatives such as glass, stainless steel, and bamboo (shown in the image below). In achieving this vision, I value accountability, both from governments to implement appropriate laws, as well as from citizens in actively improving their consumption habits. One intervention would be to educate others. For instance, the nonprofit organization Plastic Oceans has created programs for schools and communities around the world that aim to educate others about plastic pollution and encourage individuals to take action. Another intervention is to push for government to take action. For example, The Ocean Legacy Foundation teamed up with 11 other environmental organizations to make a formal request to the Canadian government to pass laws that ban single-use plastic products that pollute marine wildlife.
(Image from Seas and Straws website, via https://www.seasandstraws.com/plastic-alternatives.html )