My vision for the future of water is that everyone, everywhere will have equal access. In Canada specifically, I hope that in the near future all Indigenous communities have access to clean drinking water. My value in relation to water interventions comes down to equality and believing that race, community, socioeconomic status etc. should not influence your accessibility to a resource that is needed for life. One intervention I propose relates to municipalities placing a value on their resources. In many towns big water corporations take freshwater from community lakes for little or no cost and then bottle it and make us pay for the water in a bottle. I think that municipalities should charge a premium for this water extraction but also ensure that companies can't increase their water prices, otherwise increasing the resource value wouldn't do anything. For this to work entire countries would likely have to increase the value otherwise cooperations will just take the water for free elsewhere. I think this could also benefit the local community as the additonal money could be used within the city for more community events, infrastructure etc.
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Good points! I agree that it is so absurd that corporations are able to sell an essential natural resource without even paying to take it - it makes you wonder in what way governments are benefiting from this (could it be big campaign donations?), because otherwise why would they allow it to happen?
"water is for everyone" is a vision I think most people share with you. Your comment about municipalities needing to place a value on resources is also something I agree with. Many people agree with the notion of protecting natural resources, but feel helpless to do it themselves. We need leaders and governmental organizations to help.