I envision a future where human values are aligned with supporting the fragile ecosystem AND potential adverse affects faced by those vulnerable. Decisions surrounding the ecosystem can easily cause a domino affect, by "helping" one area can cause another area to be defeated. I believe that we cannot fix problems without being on the same page. If we chose to ignore valuable knowledge from different perspectives, a never-ending chain of problems will continue to arise. This can be said for day-to-day choices as well. I plan to support initives that shed light on all points of view. I will do so by sharing their stories through social media and attending protests that align with these values.
Image by Wild & Stone
Great point! Education is vital--people need to know about how everything is connected in a big system. If we focus on one goal while neglecting the rest of the ecosystem, we often negate our hard work by causing problems elsewhere.
Hi Michelle, I think that it is especially important if everyone was on the same page. This is definitely important as a problem as encompassing as ecological preservation would difficult to solve if everyone went in different directions without intersecting with each other. This lack of unity could result in a divergence of practices that could be less effective than if everyone banded together to develop an optimized solution.
Hi Michelle, I totally agree with your perspective that we cannot fix problems without being on the same page and having the same foundations of knowledge. We ignore the negative effects of our ecosystem simply because it was not imprinted in or taught principles when we were growing up.
Hi Michelle, I think you brought up a great point about the domino effect! I agree that one action can really lead to another, and this is why it is very important to start somewhere rather than overthinking and not starting at all; you never know the impact that even one simple action can make!