I envision a future where every person, regardless of geography or socioeconomic status, has access to clean water. A world where our urge for development does not come at the expense of our ecosystems. I believe in the intrinsic worth of every individual and the ecosystems we inhabit. Rivers, lakes, and oceans, which support an array of life, should not be compromised or exploited, but protected so they can continue to support us. I plan on supporting initiatives that support the protection of our ecosystems’ needs and contributions through sharing social media campaigns.
Photo by Aquatera
Hi Michelle, great post! I agree with your vision. Can we really call it, "development," if it is coming a the cost of our ecosystems? Water bodies like lakes and rivers are an essential part of ecosystems, and maintaining them is crucial for the ecosystem as a whole. Further, if our ecosystems' structure and function collapse due to water pollution, misuse and overuse, then we humans will suffer the results. Using social media to share this understanding with others is a great step towards system change!
Hey Michelle, a future where clean water is accessible to all, and development harmonizes with the preservation of our precious ecosystems, is an great vision to have! Do you have some specific initiatives in mind for supporting water consevation specifically?
"A world where our urge for development does not come at the expense of our ecosystems" - YES! I completely agree with this! While it is important to support our fellow humans of the Earth and make sure we all have sufficient shelter, food, and water, obtaining these resources should not come at the expense of the ecosystems around us. It's a balancing act - making everyone has sufficient resources and doing it in a sustainable way so as to not compromise ecosystem function.
Social media is an awesome tool. What are your favorite social media campaigns?
Hey Michelle! I think our posts are very similar! I have had the opportunity to visit third-world countries and see the struggle of accessing clean water first hand. It is awful that something that we take for granted is something that is of extreme value to other communites around the world
Hi Michelle! We definitely should not take granted our natural resources but many people cannot imagine the ecosystem's significance due to not experiencing nor being aware of how it impacts their lives. We should implement more policies to encourage recognition of our ecosystem's intrinsic value.
Hi Michelle, I agree with your idea of not tolerating compromise for the systems that sustain us. The world does not simply exist to benefit us, but instead exists to support all life. Given that ecosystems such as rivers, lakes and oceans, as you mentioned, are residents to various kinds of organisms, we need to show respect and not encroach on them for our own personal needs.
Well said, Michelle! Well said! What you express as the intrinsic value of every individual, I like to express as being a "ProLife" perspective. Your vision of the future is of a kind, holistic human rights ideals fulfillment! Your sense of ecological justice is one that will serve every living being on this planet! Thank you for taking the time to articulate such a beautiful vision!