Hey everyone,
As we wrap up the closing moments of completing this class, I just wanted to tell everyone in this class, both students, Dana, and Kai that this was a class that was something else entirely. When I first registered for this class, I was a student just looking for an interesting class to fulfill upper-level science credit requirements. What I didn't know was how different this class was structured, and even if there were no exams or papers to complete, the learning and participation was more engaging and interesting than the rest of the classes at UBC. I can confidently say that this is probably the only class from my undergraduate experience that I won't be forgetting any time soon. I know that I will be taking away how to think critically and analyze environmental issues at the broader scale, as environmental problems are inherently complex and require much more than surface level analysis.
Big props for professor Kai to try something new this term. Don't forget to complete the course evaluation for this course, as it would help the next set of students learn about environmental issues. Looking forward to hearing from the rest of the presenter groups!