This class has truly been an eye-opening experience! Getting educated on incredibly pressing issues about the environment and learning tangible action items to help solve those issues was so valuable. The climate crisis and everything surrounding it always felt so hopeless before, it felt like we were on this path to doomsday and it's far too late to do anything about it. ENVR 430 really taught me how complex this little blue marble we live on actually is, and all of the things we can do to help sustain it.
I envision a future where everyone has access to a remarkable course like this one, where kids my age are educated about the world around them and how they have the power to bring about systemic and individual change. Courses like these are what change the trajectory of a uni student's academic path and way of thinking, they really put a holistic perspective on the future and help situate someone who might feel incredibly lost in their 20s. I really hope that ENVR 430 continues on as its such a valuable course, and that other faculties and universities adopt a similar method of teaching!
I loved how this course was taught, and wish that students outside of environmental science/faculty of science could take this course! I also enjoyed the choice between a campaign and a workshop, as both are great "bat signals" to the outside world.
I couldn't agree more Vy! The future I want to see play out also involves better education and more discussion about these critical matters so we are better able to raise awareness and fight climate issues as a collective unit.
I love this post!!! I love your vision for the future because I think it's so relatable. We all felt supported and empowered in this course and I felt like it had such a lasting impact and wish it could be available to everyone. In that sense, I think it's amazing that Kai had us visit some younger students with our workshops to help inspire them as well!