My Vision for the future is one that works on reconciling specific injustices from environmental racism, while also aiming towards a future where all communities and groups are consulted on decisions that both directly and indirectly affect them. It is important that us as a society find the value in continuing to support diversity, celebrate cultural practices and care for each other equally.
As we saw in the "There's Something in the Water"documentary, there were various examples of how minority communities were directly exposed to harmful practices, such as in Halifax where a garbage dump site was made in a primarily African - American community. It saddened me to watch the harmful effects seen today of many residents in that community dying from cancer as a result from exposure to the dump site, and the little that is being done to reconcile them. This is just one example of how environmental racism has lethally effected many communities. As we become more aware of these injustices, it is important to continue to educate and have progressive conversations not only in our own communities, but on a global scale. #UnleashValues #Reconciliation #Justice #GlobalChange
I have also linked the documentary "There's Something in the Water":
I watched the documentary too! I also believe that the African-American community has suffered immense injustice.
Hi Maria! I loved your post and I agree that it is quite sad to see how there are examples of environmental racism around us and yet little is being done to rectify the damage that has been done. I also really appreciate the link to the documentary, thank you!
When I watched the documentary too, I felt a lot of guilt because the African-American community suffered greatly without doing any wrongdoings. I had never understood what environmental racism in detail until this documentary. It showed a really vivid but cruel injustice that's not seen enough by people yet.
Hey Maria, I like how you are shining light on the environmental racism topic once again! I really found that documentary interesting and was looking forward to talking about it in class however, we only briefly mentioned it. There is so much to talk about when it comes to environmental racism and there are so many examples. Please if you want to converse about other examples of environmental racism and how we can bring awareness but also change to these unfair criminal circumstances feel free to reply to this message.
I appreciate your inclusion and distinction of the importance of consultation for people who are affected both directly AND indirectly! I think this is an important step that could be easily overlooked.
I absolutely agree, since we aren't shedding nearly as much light as we should on these injustices committed against marginalized groups. To that end, I thought I'd share another example I'd read about: Cancer Alley in Louisiana, which is responsible for over a quarter of the US's petrochemical production, and has enriched many corporations while really only shortening the lifespans of locals.
I was moved by that documentary, too—so much I didn't know about how decisions were made in Canada. Ugh.
It is amazing that you cite the videos, I am also touched by the videos that how some people suffered from others actions so harmfully. I totally agree with your idea that we really need to solve the problem in environmental racisms. Every individuals should be responsible to their actions.