After a workshop that was done for Ms. Nelsen’s Grade 12 class the thoughts of the class on plastic pollution were put into a word cloud.
the answer to the following questions were also generated after group discussion:
What positive future do you imagine for our planet?
The class envisioned a world that is and will continue to be free of plastic in the oceans. Some wanted there to be zero use of plastic but the most frequent future that was envisioned was one where plastic pollution is mitigated completely.
What features of current systems seem to most impede that future?
Their vision of a plastic free/ plastic pollution free world is being held back by the integration of plastic into all the products that our society deems necessary. Everyone is dependent on plastic and it will be very difficult to free ourselves from this dependence.
Do you have any ideas for changes that might overcome these problems to achieve this better future?
The students believed that spreading awareness to those around us was a great first step towards achieving a better future. They also understood the importance towards being conscientious and choosing products that were sustainable over those such as single-use products. Upon hearing of Plastic-Free by 2030, a campaign done by our fellow classmates, the students also seemed more enthusiastic about brainstorming possible petitions and additional campaigns!
Woohoo! I had a fun time working on this workshop with you, Mathew, so thank you :)