Wow! We covered so much this term and I didn’t even realize it until I looked back at all my CoSphere posts. In my very first learning journal, I mentioned how nervous I was about all the different aspects of sustainability, but also how excited I was to tackle the issues as a diverse class of people. ENVR 430 met all my expectations and more. We covered so much as a class and I really broadened my idea of what it means to be sustainable. At times, it was overwhelming and somewhat depressing to consider the state of our world, but developing the final project and hearing about other group’s projects, left me feeling hopeful that I was surrounded by like-minded people. I hope that all of my classmates take the lessons we learned here into the future. I will and have been using what we've learned to educate more people. The more people know, the more informed decisions can be made. Thank you all <3
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I think this is such a good reflection! I would agree. There are a lot of things that we did really made me feel excited to act on the ideas I learned in class.
Thank you so much for sharing! I second you note about the final presentations. I am definitely leaving this course feeling more hopeful for the future of our planet and empowered to make change <3
Great reflection! I agree that some of the things we learned about the state the Earth is in were quite shocking and depressing. Good thing there is still hope!