I believe that people have the right to have clean water in adequate amounts. In order for everyone to be able to receive an adequate water supply, water has to be conserved. I envision a world where all individuals recognize the value of water and that it can run out, leading them to act to conserve water and reduce water usage. Of course, having industries decrease their water use would allow for a significant decrease in water usage. A possible way to motivate industries to decrease their water use would be to put a higher price on water. Water could be priced in a way that when the industry uses under a certain amount it is much cheaper while having the price rapidly increase as greater amounts of water are used. This may help motivate industries to keep their water usage within a certain range by reusing and recycling water. Also, if factories are wanting to convert themselves into dry factories, the government should help financially assist the factory in doing so. This would greatly reduce water usage as most of the water the factory uses is reused after being filtered. On a smaller scale, the government can assist the citizens in conserving water by providing rebates to those who install water-conserving products in their homes, such as a water filter and a rainwater collection system where stored rainwater can later be used to water plants. I always thought that we waste a pretty significant amount of water from running the shower or tap, waiting for the water to become warmer. In the future I envision, I would like to have it where there was a system people can install in their homes that can collect that water or have a more efficient pipe system that allows for hot water to reach faucets nearly instantaneously.
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Hi, Jinny. I agree with your ideas. Increasing the price of water is a way to make the industry use less water. You divide the water price into two usages, and it is such a smart way to control water usage and encourage the industry to pay attention and control the daily use of the water. Moreover, letting citizens save water is an indispensable way. If every citizen can save water, the whole city will be a huge number saving.
I agree. Industry should have to pay for water uses even if ultimately it leads to higher price for consumers.
I like the idea of increasing water price so that it encourages bigger companies to conserve water. I also agree and like how you mentioned about installing water conserving products in our homes, I think this would create a long lasting change.
Hi Jinny! You've brought up a great idea to collect wasted water. I've never thought about how much water we waste from just waiting for it to warm up but, I can imagine it to be significant enough to make it worth collecting and reusing.
Hello Jinny! I think you have made a lot of interesting points in your post. I agree that raising the price of water could be an effective way to prevent waste.