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Bhavin Patel
Dec 02, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I really enjoyed this class and like the format of the lectures and how they were based around stories and the fact that there was no midterm or final making it less stressful and allowing for true engagement with material without worry of exams. I think that allowed for a deeper appreciation and respect for the problems surrounding climate change as opposed to meaninglessly regurgitating everything in pre readings and lecture. I also really enjoyed the documentaries and pre class material as opposed to having a textbook. I enjoyed the final project too and even had a student reach out to me on my personal tik tok saying how they enjoyed the presentation. I intend to take Environmental science 430 experiences moving forward by understanding sustainability, thinking critically about what brands say about their products and being mindful of my own consumption. Vision: Individual and institutional actions to be more sustainable Values: I value sustainability, recycling, and reusing as well as only purchasing things that are needed. Action: I will educate my peers and family about the environmental crisis and what they can do to help live more sustainable lives.
Bhavin Patel
Dec 02, 2022
In #UnleashValues
After conducting a workshop with grade 8 and 9 students at David Thompson Secondary School, here are their cumulative thoughts on visions, values and plans for action. Vision: Students vision a world where everyone has access to clean drinking water. No students have to miss school to get water for themselves and their families. Values: We value fresh clean drinking water and everyone having equal access to water. Action: Reduce personal water consumption, support institutional action to reduce water, support water pricing, reducing meat consumption, support campaigns aimed at helping the water crisis, importance of fixing water leaks and maintaining water supply systems, educating peers and family about water conservation and scarcity. Reflection: The students were great to work with. We think the workshop allowed them to learn about what the water crisis is, why its important and will affect them and potential solutions to mitigate some of the effects as well as what they can do personally and collectively.The workshop allowed them to integrate science that they are learning in school with enviromental sustainability and have equipped them with an array of potential solutions and giving them ideas to foster real change for the water and climate crisis.
Bhavin Patel
Nov 19, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Value: I value sustainability and think that what humans have done to the earth is wrong as the Earth. Even after death, people fill their bodies with cancer-causing aldehydes or pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and more eco-friendly options aren't usually presented or discussed. Action: I will help educate those around me gently about funerals and about sustainable options that can be available. I never even thought of the environmental consequences of funerals and how toxic chemicals are filled into the body to preserve the body and put into the ground. Vision: I envision a sustainable world where even funerals are sustainable and the world takes sustainability into consideration. I also envision a world where what people want upon dying is talked about so people's wishes can be filled and not left to decisions presented by for profit funeral homes.
Bhavin Patel
Nov 04, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Value: I value recycling, the environment, human and other animal health and sustainability. I was unaware of how recycling plastic is essentially a scam and that most plastic that enters the recycling bin doesn't end up being recycled into something else. Vision: I envision a future where plastics are fully recycled and governments mandate responsibility for recycling plastics. Remove conflict of interest in EIA legislation banning single-use plastics. Pass stricter bills to increase producer responsibility. Regulate endocrine disrupting compounds and that plastic use, in general, is limited. Action: I will try to reduce plastic waste by using reusable bottles and plastics in general as opposed to plastic bottles and spread awareness to friends and family. I will support brands that show legitimate recycling that they can prove and support a government that wants to focus on increasing plastic recycling, regulation and reduction.
Bhavin Patel
Oct 28, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Values: I personally respect billionaires because in order to get to that position, they have provided substantial amounts of value to substantial amounts of people, investors who took on that risk, and improved the quality of life or efficiency for many people (imagine a world without cars, iPhones, social media, computers, other technology or luxuries). In addition, their companies provide millions of jobs to people who also are able to attain a decent standard of living without any of the risks of entrepreneurship. However, I do acknowledge that in doing so inequality has arisen substantially, negative externalities have resulted and many problems emerged. I hope things improve through policy changes. Vision: I do envision a future that is more equal where people are taught about finances in school and are taught valuable skills starting in high school. I also hope that the Environmental externalities are addressed and included in the prices of goods and services and that environmental laws become stronger. I also envision a world where tax loopholes like having offshore corporations in tax havens are closed so corporations contribute fairly toward society.
Action: I will be more conscious of the things I buy and where I buy them from. I will also support politicians who want to bring about positive change by improving education, closing tax loopholes and increasing equality and increasing environmental standards for corporations.
Bhavin Patel
Oct 21, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Vision: I hope that in the future using technology like 3D mapping, lidar and simulations to guide control burns, forest fires no longer occur to the degree at which they currently do. I envision that climate to climate change is where efforts are focused and stopping the rise of temperatures by reducing emissions and incorporating sustainability into all aspects of life. I also envision more forests being planted and greenery being brought back to areas impacted by deforestation. Action. I would support any mayors and government policymakers who want to act on these changes into reality. I will also try to make sure that barbeque ash is disposed of properly. I also will support and vote for government officials that will take action on climate change. Value: I value the mountains, forests and air as well as the water and ecosystem services they provide. I think it's really important for action to treat climate change because it is intensifying fires and burning soils and seeds. I believe that fires are an important part of ecological succession however, climate change is causing fires to be more destructive, stronger, and cause more damage than would normally occur so it's important to work towards solutions for climate change.
Bhavin Patel
Oct 14, 2022
In #UnleashValues
This week's material was enjoyable and I was shocked to learn about how most of the waste is generated through food waste and the amount of water needed to grow meats. Value: Personally, I really value the life of animals for religious reasons and am a vegetarian so I don’t consume meat. I feel reasonably healthy but have to take iron pills and drink boost. I am able to substitute animal products with tofu in most meals and other substitutes. I also value the environment and I think agriculture needs to change because of how much water and land are used to grow animals and the lack of sustainability. One of the videos talked about how 1lb of beef needs over 500 gallons and how 1 billion people in the world don't have food but in those countries, grains and foods are grown to feed the animals that the wealthy eat. My vision is that in the future plant-based meats are made more economically viable and people adopt it as I learned that they use 99% less water than regular beef and more people become vegetarian or vegan or at least try to limit the amount of meat in their diet. I also hope that people are taught how to cook alternatives to meat in school and how to acquire proper nutrition and about farming to be educated in supporting sustainable farmers. Also, I envision that the subsidies given to farmers are partially changed to incentivize environmentally friendly practices, regenerative agriculture and lower use of chemical pesticides and replace them with biological fertilizers and pesticides.
The action I used to run a small social media meal sharing vegetarian meals that actually taste good to inspire people to lower their meat consumption. I also hope and will support government officials who want to make positive sustainability changes to the laws.
Bhavin Patel
Oct 07, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Value: I value water a lot because it is so vital to the environment and people. it fills our cells and our body as well as allows for life on Earth. I hope that water conservation is taken more seriously, especially since climate change is changing the reliability of water sources and droughts floods and other extreme climate events are becoming more frequent. Also, in the preparation material for the class, the value of water was put into perspective when it was said that almost 2 billion people will be facing water insecurity and over 1 billion already do throughout the world and how they have to travel great distances to get water daily instead of focusing on school or education or working. Vision: I envision that in the future, everybody has access to clean drinking water through government, and private projects like those seen in the videos capable of operating at a local scale such as the magic water box. I also hope that water is priced appropriately and externalities are addressed. I think having a basic amount for each person for free and then having a metered system where funds are used to help water conservation projects or to fund projects to increase water supply. I also think that collecting rainwater falling on roofs and using it for watering plants or toilet water systems would be great but realistically need government or private support to implement. Action: I will personally try to take shorter showers, eliminate baths, reduce my water usage and support policies aimed at water conservation and equality. I also will try to be more conscious of the things I consume and the ethical practices of the company and try to support those that are sustainable. I also want to support fixing leaky pipes because almost 40 percent of water is lost as well as support farmers who optimize water usage sustainably because that's where most water is used.
Bhavin Patel
Sep 23, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I believe that natives and people in areas that have been deemed profitable have been treated unfairly generally and in the story of the otters told in class. My vision for the future to be fairer is that it is the law that the parties involved with developmental or economical projects are actually consulted and heard from regarding activities in the area. I envision where it is the law that a percentage of the profits generated are shared with the communities as opposed to a few hands or corporations who do not live in the area for economic projects. I envision a future where the negative externalities of losing cultural practices, foods etc are actually factored into decision-making and are considered seriously. One way to accomplish this would be to require approvals from local first nations or locals for projects and or provide agreed-upon transfer payments as compensation for use of lands as well as some optional opportunities to learn new skills, acquire education or opportunities to pursue careers if local industries are destroyed by larger corporations.
Bhavin Patel
Sep 16, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future fueled by sustainable, renewable and green energy. In this future, the values of consumption are a lower priority and people purchase things they truly need as opposed to a cure for boredom. I hope that in the future people are mindful of the environmental impacts of their purchases and that the negative externalities are taken into consideration. I also hope that recycling is more prominent and effective and is taken seriously at the government and corporate level where every business must ensure their products can be broken down separated into parts and used again. I am committing to only buying things that I truly need and not contributing to fast fashion as well as by taking public transit for the duration of university instead of driving to help reduce emissions. #UnleashValues
Bhavin Patel
Sep 10, 2022
In Member Introductions
Hi, my name is Bhavin Patel and I'm a fourth-year student at UBC in the faculty of science. Upon graduation, I hope to pursue physiotherapy. I am taking ENVR 430 this year and am quite excited to learn about sustainability methods and potentially real-world practical solutions to solve the climate crisis. Please follow #UnleashValues to help my peers and I and others passionate about climate change uncover challenges and corresponding solutions to the crisis.
Bhavin Patel
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