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Our Vision: A Pristine, Clean Planet Earth
In #UnleashValues
Stop Single-Use Plastics!
In #UnleashValues
Agronomy? Permaculture? Agroecology? And Biodiversity?
In Opportunities
Czarina Michelle Gutierrez
Nov 03, 2023
The mention of "produce counts" and market value shows how very crucial inventory, accounting economic systems and transport logistics (hence plastic clamshell packaging) are for farms and farmers to survive I am sure. Would the intrinsic value of work ever be enough to motivate us to do something valuable for the community with our time? Systems development for profitability has created things like Monsanto and monocultures, but it has also sacrificed biodiversity and good flavour in things like tomatoes - they're simply not sweet. In a way, we've grown so urbanized and divorced from owning a family homesteading life so as to end up being dependent on urban market farmers, grocers and farm produce truck drivers. Speaking of homesteading and homegrown veggies and fruits, I remember when my late Dad grew, among many other things, the sweetest varieties of tomatoes that have since been unsurpassed. Because he took care to nourish the soil, I have never tasted the equal to my late Dad's homegrown tomatoes, in terms of sweetness, colours, and firmness. He tried everything, including fish guts fertilizer. I regret I never learned from his encyclopaedic practical knowledge base - he died too soon at age 67 before I woke up and realized how much I missed learning from him. A man like that is worth 60 times his weight in gold! And he had a wife who was his equal, too! She died at 68. At least I learned some cooking skills, language arts, and mathematics from both of them. No amount of money can replace the "profitability" of learning from your Elders!
Business and environment
In #UnleashValues
Czarina Michelle Gutierrez
Nov 02, 2023
By the way, does seem to indicate that b corp has some interest and concern, as a consultancy, for human rights and environmental rights issues in establishing standards for conducting sustainable ecologically and socially responsible "business". Setting and upholding best practice standards is always a work in progress as situations change and systems evolve. "Business" entities with different sets of challenges in their respective and emerging industries with different benchmarks for industry "gold standards" share their operational, socio-ecological marketing integrity (temptation to greenwash or resort to spin-doctoring ranges from subtle to blatant forms of dishonesty) challenges. Administrative governance, overall strengths and weaknesses, definitions of profitability that go beyond monetary values, but may also be based on relational values of intrinsic, aesthetic, emotional, psychological, spiritual, biodiverse ecological, pristine environmental, natural zoological, natural botanical, healthy social, intercultural, all-inclusive and universally accessible, and more values going beyond only material and monetary assets. Shorter and longer term goals (7 Generations to Cherish & Consider!) seem to guide b corp as a "new giant egg" growing and developing. B corp seems to be growing its customer base while carefully marketing its brand reputation - even though impact assessment criteria and certification assessment standards are unknown or vague to the general public, b corp is positioning itself to become the quintessential information and data analysis advising consultancy workhorse devoted to "sustainable" business intelligence for informed practice. Managing and marketing its brand reputation, b corp is founded on business networking for data collection and analysis of industry relevant and entity specific standards for continuous learning and improvement on ever present and emerging issues in sustainability. Combined with a greed for knowledge with a view to dominating the information and data market to support business intelligence and guide sustainable policy enactments and investments - while gaining more more knowledge to transform into expertise in order to solidify its role as an advisory consulting body with a socially, ecologically, and ethically responsible business standards assessment & certification standard. At least, that appears to be the goal of b corp.
Fight fire with fire!
In #UnleashValues
Czarina Michelle Gutierrez
Oct 27, 2023
Especially due to lightning strikes
Justice engrained in Decision-Making
In #UnleashValues
Czarina Michelle Gutierrez
Oct 20, 2023 This article might have some answers to the question I posed above regarding..... Here is a very interesting quote on the topic of legitimations, Parkin 2002 is quoted below from the above article: “Legitimations are the claims that dominant groups make about themselves – claims that they would naturally wish everyone else to accept. Legitimacy, on the other hand, refers to the condition in which such claims have in fact been accepted and endorsed by subordinate groups. That is, the grounds upon which obedience is claimed and are accepted as valid by those who are expected to do the obeying. Legitimations emanate from on high, but legitimacy is bestow from below” (Parkin 2002: 77-8). From the ground running, how do we implement real changes in consumer behaviors and choices from the ground-level to beyond? I might even argue that such awareness might have originated from those of us who are on the front lines coping with the challenging demands and consequences of waste management or lack thereof! If you look at BBY's Metrotown Food Court and Richmond Town Centre Food Court in the lower mainland of BC, they have recycling service facilitators literally providing recycling service to customers of the food court. Sometimes, it is this hands on approach to service that does the rest of us some real good, but it was implemented because so few of us actually took the time to sort our recyclables at the fast food outlets. Shopping Centre Food Court Administration in cooperation with the Janitorial Staff implemented this service to help those who are confused by the process of sorting recyclables from compostables and absolute refuse. The advantages are obvious; what we lose is the opportunity for every citizen to develop an awareness of recycling and composting requirements and applications. Therefore, to promote awareness, WE can do this through Public Educational TV Programming, because not everyone tunes into these topics on YouTube everyday.....unless we're already keen to learn about it due to our sensitivity to pollution and waste. So, please thank your recycling service providers today - frequently paid at minimum wages, we deserve much much more, but at least a friendly, appreciative smile and nod would make our "raison d'etre" - which is to mitigate waste - feel more acknowledged and validated, and would make our workaday lives much more pleasant knowing that our efforts are appreciated! Would that would translate into better or even best wages for all "waste management service providers"
In #UnleashValues
Czarina Michelle Gutierrez
Oct 14, 2023
Have you ever tried plant-based vegan hazelnut chocolate pie? Or vegan chocolate cake? Or vegan ice cream? I must admit, these are delectable examples of opting for soy over dairy in some very wonderful recipes that lend themselves remarkably well to soy and nut based options! The more, the better, and I would like to say here that I am so grateful to the recipe developers who create dietary alternatives based on peoples needs! However, that being said, when none else other than dairy will do (and there are a few cases - like fried and scrambled eggs on real butter), I don't think it is reasonable for me, a person who lives on dairy products from since toddlerhood, to deprive myself of dairy if no other vegan based option will do to sufficiently replace. For example, vegan coffee creamer simply doesn't have the same "onctuousness" or creaminess that I simply crave when having a hot chocolate or coffee; if I have to choose between vegan coffee creamer or not, I'd sooner taste and drink my coffee black. That's how much vegan coffee creamer makes me squirm and grimace, LOL! It's literally quite visceral! I give 110% Kudos to the recipe and food developers who create meat and dairy alternatives for us every day! I think it is brilliant for those of us who have no need to withstand temperatures below zero every day! But, the fact is - in my personal experience growing up in a cold weather climate - protein, fat, and carbs still play a vital role in surviving cold temperatures, especially if one must work or exert energy. Dairy, carbs, and meat still remain highly efficient winter foods - usually the best food for survival where long-burning resistance and stamina against very very cold climates is required. For me, I like to eat fruits and veggies in spring, summer, and early fall; I like meat and dairy in winter (though I only eat about 1 palm-sized amount of meat and/or eggs each day); Grains, lentils, pulses and starchy root vegetables I eat all year round. My diet seems to reflect what can easily be prominent in the local growing seasons. And then, I have a lot to learn about agriculture. I really dig those videos on how big agro operates - so far, I don't really know what's wrong with it? Maybe I fail to see "the aftermath" of big agro? I am defintely not in favour of developing chemical pesticide resistant strains of plants with a view to increasing their tolerance for more chemical pesticides. This seems to me, genetic & chemical manipulation for the sake of what? To introduce more chemicals into the mix? We have seen how people have been harmed by pesticide spraying. How is this a reflection of the wisdom of Creation who formed the elements and living organisms? Maybe if we learn more about nature, in great detail and in every magnitude of order of observation (visible to invisible) and let Nature do its thing, maybe we could learn to appreciate the biodiversity that Creation is quite capable of managing itself, leaving us to merely observe and learn and respond to the immediate needs of our crops. Otherwise, we might just "let it be" and let Nature and Creation work their "magic" - we just have to be grateful for what we have from Nature and Creation. I think being Grateful is the best investment in the future; observing the Science of Nature and Creation of Biodiversity offers an interesting view of interwoven relationships between creatures and humanity. Boy, I just need to get our of this cubicle of a studio apartment and into the Arbutus Greenway Community Gardens more often! Or perhaps take advantage of my UBC student status and visit the Botanical Gardens and Nitobe Gardens and UBC Farm. Maybe we should do this sometime? Anyone up for a weekend outing to said destinations? Cheers, and Happy Weekend!

Czarina Michelle Gutierrez

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