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Matin Moradkhan
Nov 29, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I have had one of the best experiences of learning and enjoying a class in the ENVR 430 class and it far exceeded my expectations. In this class we leanred about intertwined and complex issues that exist, preventing us from reaching a sustainable future and we were able to learn more about the systematic changes the governments and the individual changes we can make to move towards the goal. My value is transparency, and sustainability. And I envision a world where we tackle the problem of sustainability collectivley and as a globe. In addition we work together to make systematic changes by implementing many policies and holding govenrmetns and influencial companies accoutable to follow the policies and create change. I also envision a world where sustainable innovative technologies are supported and become new practices. As for ineterventions and solutions, I will be implementing the individual changes we learned in class in my daily life, and one step is hosting the workshop in a highschool about overconsumerism, I will also be more mindful of what I buy and the businesses I support. I leanred how to communicate and form hard conversations with others and also share what I have learned with others. I also leanred that there is so much we can do as an individual, with what we decide to support. Overall it has been a great experience and I learned a lot.
Matin Moradkhan
Nov 19, 2022
In #UnleashValues
My value is valuing biodiversity and acting ecofriendly, even when it comes to death care. Although currnely a taboo, there needs to e awareness bout the the topic and it should be more talked about. So my vision is for a world, where we can have ecologically friendly deathcare, we are activley conserving wildlife and keeping the biodiversity of the planet safe and the develpment of the humans, does not conflict with taking away natural resources and harming wildlife. Potential solutions include changing laws so activley conserve wildlife, work with deathcare organizations to and add more funding to raise awareness and changin the practices to more eco friendly and natural ways. I also believe there should be more health promotion and health literacy taught in schools so specific actions become habbits for younger generations which can lead to change in how society views subjects such as deathcare.
Matin Moradkhan
Nov 04, 2022
In #UnleashValues
My value is transparency and respecting science more than incentives when assessing the environmental impacts of various interventions and projects. My vision for a more sustainable future is for a change and revamp of the assessment of the environmental impacts and furthermore, and a prevention of projects that damage the environment in their core.Furthermore, I vision a future in which circular recycling of materials is taking place, especially plastic, an no greenwashing occurs. The interventions that I believe can be helpful moving towards a more sustainable future include; supporting innovative technologies that actually recycle plastic, removing the conflict of interest in EIA legislation, banning the single use of plastics that are all non compostable ones. There should be restrictions and regulatory frameworks for pollutant to cover endocrine disruptions. And passing strong laws the require extended produces responsibility, which would help avoid illegal recycling. In addition, there should be more strict rules and regulations with severe penalty for companies that engage in illegal environmental harming projects.
Matin Moradkhan
Oct 28, 2022
In #UnleashValues
It is really intereting to learn about My value is transparnecy and truth, especially for coorporartions and businnesses. My vision for a more sustainable future, is where the businesses do the right thing, even if they can legally get away with what they do, and people in power are transparent with their actions. It is easy to fake you are doing good, but real actions and results is what really matters. There an be many interventions and steps taken to approach a more sustainable world. Strong laws need to be inforced on companies and they should be monitired in reagrds of thir environmental perfocmances and the actions they take to support the environmental recommnsations. Furhtermore, there should be policies in charge, that make the consequences of lies and misrepreentation of a business far more disructive than the decision to be transparent. As for potential further intereveions, there needs to be direct action, such as boycotts to force system change. And the environmnetal recommendations, should be turned to actions and not only stay as recommendations. There should be more research supported to come up with better business models and support coorporations that are struggling.
Matin Moradkhan
Oct 21, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Climate change, has played an important role in increasing the chanses of wildfires. My value is valuing fire as a natural and essential part of an ecosystem while understading the harms it can have, specially if it is made by human. My vision is for a future, where there is conservation of forests and preventing human made fires, and also where more innovative ways of stoping fires are in practice. My intervention plan is to push governments to have more policies in place to support forest conservation and inceasing the number of protected areas, and restoration. There should be more funding, towards supporting innovative technologies and research regarding sustainable forestry practices and contoled fires. Also there should be more legal measures regarding people who start fires intentially. There could also be more education and awareness about fire management.
Matin Moradkhan
Oct 14, 2022
In #UnleashValues
My value is that food security is a humans right, and the production of food in a sustainable way, is part of securing that that right. I envision a more sustainable future, in which there are sustainable agriculture practices, with meaningful inclusion of animals and regenerative farming is practiced as a key consept. It is important to address animal welfare and the incentives of farmers, as we more towards a more sustainable future. To create a shift in how agriculture is taking place, there needs to be a reduction in pesticides and chemical additives that are added to the soil. Some meaning fun plans or interventions I can think of, include, as for myself, to support farms and products that are produced organically, as well as actively be looking for and advocating for supporting local sustainable and organic products. Furthermore, plans include, renaming the farmers insurance systems to support the farmers who decide changing their methods to more sustainable practices, as well as governments allocating more funding and supporting farmers who decide to start regenerative farming practices to grow their crops. This will need to be done in the long term to support that shift.
Matin Moradkhan
Oct 07, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Learning about the vital role of water, and how every life depends on it, emphasizes the value it has.Ironicly, I believe, in regards to how vital water we truly don’t value it as much as it should be valued. As we approach a more sustainable future, there should be a global effort in conserving water and keeping water sources safe and. My value, is valuing water. My vision for an environmentally sustainable world is where industries and individuals practice effective water conservation and innovative technologies are used to support that matter. Interventions and potential solutions for water conservation include; increasing the price of water for industries and charging water use, after an individual reaches the vital amount of water consumption. In addition there should be more funding allocated to water purification and conservation infrastructure by the goverment. Furthermore, there should be more are laws and policies that in-force water conservation for industries that have been benefiting from old rules and regulations and taxing them for overconsumption. My plan for myself is to educate myself more about the vital role of water and learn ways I can contribute to water conservation by being mindful of how I use water along with raising awareness in my family and community. I also believe in the role of edcuation and how educating chlidren and youth about this matter can be effective in longterm.
Matin Moradkhan
Sep 23, 2022
In #UnleashValues
A key element that may be overlooked in building a sustainable future is social- ecological justice& meaningful inclusion. We (the government and society) should be doing a better job. I should acknowledge the privilege of being able to to share their my vision and voice and my value is to support minorities and others so they can be heard. My vision for the future is to have leaders and governments that embrace diversity, support inclusion in decision-making by forming advisory committees from marginalized communities & make an effort for reconciliation by valuing, indigenous and First Nations values and embracing them and forming laws to support them. My plan is to educate myself about justice and actively advocate for diversity and inclusion in my own work and study place to create positive change. #Unleashvalues
Matin Moradkhan
Sep 16, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Overconsumption is a huge problem leading to the environmental crisis. And many people are not aware of the negative effect of their choices. The truth is that although it difficult, we get to choose our values. My vision for a better future is for our generation to become more thoughtful of controlable consumption. My plan is to lessen my contribution to fast fashion by holding on to good quality cloths for longer than hopping on to every trend. #Unleashvalues
Matin Moradkhan
Sep 15, 2022
In Member Introductions
Hello Everyone, My name is Matin Moradkhan and I am a 4th year Biology student at UBC. This term I have enrolled in the ENVR 430 course which is really exciting. I look forward to learning more about sustainability and what I can do to contribute to positive change that is aligned with my values and vision for the future. I believe in the power of our voices and actions as youth. To be able to create a better future we need to start in the present. #UnleashValues

Matin Moradkhan

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