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Committing to Curiosity and Conversation 🤍
In #UnleashValues
ENVR430 - Hope > apathy!
In #UnleashValues
Term wrap-up
In #UnleashValues
Unleashing My Values
In #UnleashValues
ENVR 430 wrap-up
In #UnleashValues
Lifting the shroud.
In #UnleashValues
Messy lawns and urban rewilding
In General Discussions
Yum Dirt
In #UnleashValues
A greener way to go
In #UnleashValues
Returning to Nature
In #UnleashValues
Refusing Single Use Plastics
In #UnleashValues
Plastics: efficiency vs health
In #UnleashValues
Caps for Consistency
In #UnleashValues
Re-thinking receipts....
In #UnleashValues
Smarter Plastic Use
In #UnleashValues
Introducing "environment credit"
In #UnleashValues
Performative Actors
In #UnleashValues
In #UnleashValues
How much more damage do we endure?
In #UnleashValues
Sofie Levy
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