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Forum Posts

John Leadston
Sep 28, 2022
In #UnleashValues
A little over a year ago the Auditor General for Ontario had a look at the bereavement sector. As a result an invitation was posted to get feedback that would help inform potential proposals for changes to the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act. David McRobert, an Environmental Lawyer, Adjunct Professor and Senior Advisor to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario took on this task for me and I am most grateful for his expertise. In a previously posted response from Environment Canada, the author indicates the complexity of navigating through various jurisdictions. I wonder if British Columbia's legislation at the various levels of government would make this proposal as permissible as in Ontario?
John Leadston
Sep 21, 2022
In #UnleashValues
2.7 million Americans die each year and spend over $7,000 per interment. The potential funeral revenue is roughly $19 billion/year. This is far more than the estimated $3.4-$4.8 billion/year required to protect and manage the habitat of every IUCN threatened species in the world. CBRs could help us get there. So how can you help? Start by talking about it.
John Leadston
Apr 06, 2022
In Levers and Leverage Points
A little under $2 Billion/year is spent on interment in Canada. If the traditional mindset/behavior could change, how much property could be acquired annually if the bottom line was measured in protected areas vs profits? Transform death care into health care. Attached is a synopsis of the idea. I welcome your comments.

John Leadston

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