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Mar 16, 2022
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Check out this petition for a Canadian Just Transition Act. I think it relates to many of the levers and leverage points (because a strong Just Transition Act would encompass so many sectors, not just energy!), but especially lever 3 (strengthening environmental law) and leverage point 4 (dismantling inequalities). From Jennifer with "The latest IPCC report has made it clear there is no future for the fossil fuel industry if we want to avoid catastrophe. Hundreds of workers and communities showed up on March 12th to lean into our collective imagination and put forward a bold, transformative vision for a Just Transition Act that supports communities through the transition to a green economy. Now we need Ministers Wilkinson, O'Regan, and Qualtrough to listen to the people and the science, and legislate a Just Transition Act before the year is out."


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