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Bolun Xie
Dec 02, 2022
In #UnleashValues
ENVR430 is a very meaningful course, although he has no final, mt, or quiz. But I believe we can still gain a lot from the class. I thought the three hours would be very long at first, but when you get involved and participate, you will find that the time passes quickly. Participating in the discussion and giving ideas about the future is fascinating. Not only in class, but the pre-class videos were really interesting, and they taught me events that I never knew. This class changed my perspective on the environment, and I think we need to pay attention to environmental issues and promote and develop sustainable development! I envision everyone can take ENVR430 this course; you do not need a lot of environmental knowledge. Protecting the environment is a matter for everyone living on the planet, and I think we should all understand and learn how to protect our home.
Bolun Xie
Nov 22, 2022
In #UnleashValues
From the origin of the earth to the present, thousands of species have gone through extinction, such as archaeopteryx, mammoths, trilobites, and so on. And humans only have a very shallow understanding and knowledge of these species through fossils they found. Recently, with the rapid development of technology, global warming caused by more and more greenhouse gas emissions is becoming more serious. This situation has a significant impact on the survival of many creatures around the world right now. Biodiversity decreases at a fast speed. More animals are on the edge of extinction. I envision a world where people and nature can live in harmony with each other. People know the importance of nature, and thus they will be more rigorous in reducing their environmental impact so that we can have a more complete and better world and ecosystem. If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us too.
Bolun Xie
Nov 14, 2022
In #UnleashValues
The use of plastic is not a problem; the problem is where we should apply it. I think we should eliminate single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, lunch boxes, etc. The demand for these things is too great, and they are difficult to degrade and cause a lot of harm to the environment. We should take advantage of their advantages to benefit society and reduce the damage caused by their use. I envision a world where plastic products are used wisely. In this world, people will stop using disposable plastic products, and the government will control the manufacture and specification of plastic products. Strict policies are adopted to prevent and reduce the environmental hazards of these products.
Bolun Xie
Nov 03, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Everyone's success and wealth are hard-earned, and those who are fortunate enough to be wealthy should do something for our society and bring more positive energy. However, through this time, I have learned that many rich people participate in tax loopholes and often use these donations to avoid taxes rather than the kind of their hearts and what they want to change. I also hope that donations from the wealthy should be used appropriately and for the greater purpose of helping our ecosystem. In addition, companies must follow a sustainable method that puts the environment first. Businesses need to value limited natural resources and reduce excessive waste and environmental damage. I envision a world where every rich person cannot access taxes loopholes. This would result in significantly fewer wealthy people. I hope donations that can make a real difference in society. Since companies often choose to stand by or to escape environmental issues. So, laws and penalties are the most effective way to monitor their behaviour. Governments should conduct more frequent and detailed investigations of companies to prevent them from harming ecosystems and the environment.
Bolun Xie
Oct 25, 2022
In #UnleashValues
The change in air condition is always very obvious and perceptible to us. The first few days of this week, most of us should have felt Vancouver covered by mountain fires, the sky looked grey, and the weather forecast on our phone reminded us that such weather could even affect our health. The air quality in China has changed a lot in the last decade; I remember the air quality data long ago was five times worse than now; even so, the current data of pm2.5 and other pollutants data are still very far from our Paris Agreement goals. I envision a very airy, clean, and fresh world. So that people can breathe fresh air and not have to wear masks when their air quality is very bad. At the same time, they can work and exercise outside without any worries. We should consider why the frequency of mountain fires is increasing and whether it is because of abnormal environmental changes and global warming. We should push for more government policies to protect forests and support new methods regarding sustainable forestry and fire control.
Bolun Xie
Oct 20, 2022
In #UnleashValues
With the huge growth of the human population, human demand for food is also growing exponentially. Growing demand for food puts pressure on animal husbandry. Farmers need to provide more water and feed even growth hormones to amimals to let them grow fast and satisfy the meat demand. Moreover, animal husbandry causes more carbon emissions than any other type of industry. It is bad for our sustainable development and reduces the situation of climate change. I envision a world where people have less desire for meat and try to eat more vegetables. So less demand for meat will cause less supply of beef. The carbon emission and water usage of growing animals will be greatly reduced. So we can better achieve the goal of the pair's agreement to reduce carbon emissions by about 50%. And make our world keep in sustainable development.
Bolun Xie
Oct 07, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Water is one of our body's most important resources to keep us living. Not only for humans but also very crucial for plants and animals. In our daily life, we can drink and use water anytime, anywhere. However, some underdeveloped countries do not have the perfect equipment to treat and purify water. They do not even have enough water to provide the factory to produce and purity the water. Many people are dying of the problem of lack of water in Africa. My envision is that everyone in the world has the right and enough pure water to drink and try to reduce using the water in other areas if they can. If everyone tries to reduce water usage, a huge amount of water will be saved in one day. So we can use the water to do other necessary things. Moreover, we can try to invent some water recycling equipment to help to reduce the waste of water. Government should do some actions to increase the concept of enhancing people's protection of water resources. We should take action right now, and we can't wait until we find out there isn't enough fresh water to drink.
Bolun Xie
Sep 23, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I hope we can create a more justice world between people and government. Everyone has the right to vote for their ideas. Government should not divide them into different classes of people. Everyone should be treated in balance and be taken seriously. Government should listen to every citizen's opinion. Maybe it's just that there are some people who know what's really going on, but, they are not a big shot, they can help and solve environmental problems. They can not just think for themselves and the money they can get for one thing. Protecting our environment is not a tiny thing. Everyone has the right to participate and give their ideas to help reduce extreme environmental problems.
Bolun Xie
Sep 16, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I believe no fire will appear in the forest; plants and aminals live and grow in the forest and their habitats. I envision a world where there will not be wildfire happening anymore. All animals and plants in the forest can stay in their habitats and ecosystem for a long time. stsLast few days, we experienced the wildfire from BC in Vancouver. The smoke is very thick and has nasty smells. It will destroy our bodies' health and contain many small particles and harmful materials. The frequency of wildfires has increased a lot during these years due to the emissions from human activity reinforcing climate change, making extreme heat earlier, longer, and more intense. Also, it may be caused by charcoal burning and smoking inadvertently. I want to start a movement to prevent people from stopping smoking in the mountains and forests and stopping burning charcoal in the forests to avoid the high frequency of wildfires. Seeing more envison follow the #UnleashValues.
Bolun Xie
Sep 16, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Hello everyone. This is Bolun Xie. You can also call me Chris. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at CoSphere. I am a senior student majoring in environmental science. Moreover, I choose Sustainability Science as my area of concentration. To keep our world in sustainable development, this concentration can give me more information about how to do and protect our planet. ENVR430 is a course that describes sustainability in various ecological dimensions. If you are interested in the environment and sustainability, join the Cosphere and follow #UnleashValues with us! I can not wait to use the information and the knowledge we learn in the future to help save our world!

Bolun Xie

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