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Forum Posts

Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
We are largely dependent on ecosystem services, yet we often take it for granted and are not aware of our daily impacts. Just think of anything you owned, what you had for breakfast today, or where you spent your last vacation; you'll start to realize the importance of nature to humanities. I value the presence of all the natural resources on this planet, whether human could take advantages of or not because each element has a unique role in contributing to our planet function. I envision our ecosystem being honoured and getting maintained for their various values rather than for monetary reasons since simple economic evaluations cannot fully captured the nature's infinite existence. To get more involved, I plan to sign the petition to support wild life in crisis ( and promote the Campaign for Nature Effort by National Geographic ( #UnleashValues Image source:
Honouring ecosystem's true value content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
Firstly, I want to acknowledge the necessity for human to consume resources in order to survive and certain unavoidable externalities this can create for our planet. In this dynamic society, there's no doubt that the launch of improved products enhances the quality of life and it's understandable that we have the desire to own the lastest technology or fashion to feel more secured and inferior. However, from my personal experiences, I feel like my most valuable stuffs doesn't always have the most economical values or have to be the lastest models. I owned this typical watch from many years ago as a gift and until now it works well, but everyone around me own smartch watches and urged me to upgrade, which made me felt disappointed because people's perspective solely depends on the social economic aspect. That's why I value each individual's choice to define what they think is valuable and not being judged by the society standards and the importance for the society to trust their own point of view so that manufacturers honour our needs instead of taking advantages of this reality for their greed. I envision a world where our sincerity and respect doesn't associate with a social economic status and we are open-minded to honour manufactured product for its durability and funtionality instead of brand perceptions. I can start by making choices based on what I like and resist the social media the pressure to chase a certain image. Whenever I hang out with my friends, I would express this message to them as a collaborative effort for a change in perspective. #UnleashValues Image source:
You decide what happiness is  content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
We are slowly generating a social trend to become "environmental heroes" by choosing organic food and going vegan. This practice is helpful to a certain degree, however, we shouldn't establish that as THE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION since this mindset could create more opportunities for large-scale unsustainable monoculture practices which in turn is becoming more oriented toward unnecessary luxury food markets instead of benefiting our planet. I value equality with regard to food accessibility and food quality for everyone. I envision people of various income levels and backgrounds having fair access to abundant and nutritious food and not feeling vulnerable about environmental guilt for choosing conventional agriculture because of budget limitations. I will keep in mind the complex and adaptive aspect of our system and inform myself of the local sustainable agriculture system implementation through the B.C. Sustainable Agriculture Strategic Framework below. ( #UnleashValues Image source: canva
Organic food heroes trend? content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
I value the crucial role of fire in our lives regarding survival, aesthetic, and spiritual aspects. Fire is also an essential value of the ecosystem for certain plants' succession which are food many animal's food sources and fire allows the recycling scheme to function properly and releasing accessible nutrients in the soil. However, wild fire can destroy the economy, health, and environment in seconds and I acknowledge that forest fire nowadays is a much more complex issue to resolve. I envision a future where funding and resource allocation are distributed fairly toward super fire prevention and raising public awareness. A world with control and predictive ability over natural fire so populations in vulnerable zones can live in safety. To intervene, I will practice and encourage others to comply with fire safety rules at camping sites, firework regulations, and report dangerous fire misuses with local authorities. #UnleashValues Image source:
Some 'burning' thoughts content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
I value certain businesses' effort to comply with CSER despite the dilemma to generate profit to maintain burdens of accountability for their interdependent parties in society's competitive industry. I envision businesses getting recognition and financial support toward environmental sustainability to make right choices based on moral instinct over profit, therefore act as role models to influence a wider system. Beauty supplement industry generates and takes advantage of the public's belief in "optimal wellness in lesser time" to make massive profit. Their ingredient cultivation intensively exhausts natural oils, harming habitats and contribute to deforestation. In fact, the most prominent factor contributing to wellness and appearance is practicing healthy routines. I would support exclude products like anti-aging cream and support local exercise classes or incorporate natural beauty remedies like these Indigenous practice ( to enhance your overall look and wellness to promote a new "environmentally sensible beauty model". #UnleaseValue
Business and environment content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
Value: I value all the controversial experiences and hard lessons I learned from this course. The course materials such as videos and readings provided me with many different perspectives for seemingly simple problems in my daily life. Many of the discussion opportunities touched on new topics that made me appreciate our environment more. Vision: I envision other people would get opportunities to explore these topics like I do, even if they don't register in the course, because I think these perspectives can bring great changes in our attitudes to the environment. Intervention: I hope to bring more workshops for many people since our workshop project was a great personal experience and for the highschool participants. I will volunteer for school campaigns to raise environmental awareness and volunteer to write for the Ubessey newspaper about my experience in ENVR 430. Thank you for a meaningful semester. #UnleashValues
Class final reflection  content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
I value individual who makes effort to recycle because not everyone takes time to sort out their daily wastes due to busy schedule, or at least from my experience of seeing so many neighbours tossing recyclables into the trash. I envision recycling facilities following proper recycling practice without dishonesty so plastics end up where they are promised to go. Recycling effort should be compensated with transparency for the good of the environment and absolutely not for the greed of businesses. Since the fraction of plastic that truly got recycled is very small, we should restrain the need for singled-use plastics as much as possible. Start bringing reusable containers and pack your own lunch to limit take out containers, and restrain from buying bottled water to prevent businesses from taking advantage of profit and going against environmental policy. Participate in Ocean Wise shoreline clean up ( #UnleashValues Image source: Open government access (
Plastic recycling transparency content media
Curious Koala
Mar 08, 2024
In #UnleashValues
I value organisms' incredible resilience in surviving, adapting, colonizing, and thriving in almost every single terrain on Earth. However, life will not find a way back for extinct species, and unfortunately, human impacts are accelerating the rates of extinction. I envision mitigating human impact, including pollution, habitat destruction, and over-exploitation, so that endangered species are protected for the balance and proper functioning of our ecosystem. Some interventions include obeying fishery rules or visitor guidelines concerning vulnerable species at tidal zones ( to ensure healthy populations or supporting the "No Mow May" movement ( to provide habitats and resources for sustaining endangered pollinator populations. Moreover, donating to wildlife conservation organizations such as BCSPCA ( can contribute to the protection of BC's endangered species, such as the Vancouver Island marmot, Purple martin, and Spotted owls, ... Image source: #UnleashValues
Sustain a life, restoring balance content media
Curious Koala
Oct 07, 2023
In Hard Conversations
I had a conversation with my roommate. Our topic was about environmental justice regarding the inclusion of the Indigenous People in the environmental policy and decision making process. I was concerned with her being unaware of the Indigenous People's values and struggles regarding their native lands. I hope she will grow an appreciation for the their history as well as their roles in establishing our land and help support future Indigenous people's perspectives around environmental conservation. Our conversation hit a rough spot at the detail of the need for the Indigenous People to sacrifice for the good of the environment. She wondered why they were upset and had opposite opinions against the promising environmental conservation procedures. But in the end, she felt more sympathized for those communities whose voices have not been completely heard and were treated with unfairness and biases. #talk4change Image source: Canva
#talk4change: Support environmental justice for all content media
Curious Koala
Oct 06, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I value equity in the decision-making process regardless of a "just" goal, allowing opinions to be heard, and ensuring harmony for all Indigenous people who are involved in the land instead of just considering the benefits from the leaders' perspective. I envision a world where Indigenous communities can freely express their preferences and able to collaborate with policymakers regarding changes involving their territories without prejudice against socioeconomic status and a reduction in barriers regarding communications and points of view. After all, they are the pioneers of our land who honour nature as a lifestyle, practice respect, live in harmony, and give back for generations. I will reflect on the upcoming Truth and Reconciliation Day, educate myself more about Indigenous communities' histories, and support the Indigenous voice through social media posts and campaigns to spread awareness with my networks. #UnleashValues Image source: Canva
Meaningful inclusion for the Indigenous Community content media
Curious Koala
Sep 20, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I value each individual's unique degree of effort and approach to support environmental collaborative change despite the cultural diversity, social norms, and economic restrictions around the world. I envision a world were people who want to make change can access safe and comfortable platforms with funding available to initiate projects and education so that social beliefs are standardized and interconnected everywhere. Genders, social-economical status, ethnicity,... will no longer be barriers to start making change. As one of Earth's citizen and I'm sure you are, too, I support EARTHDAY and appreciate moments when people across the globe share common values and take meaningful actions to contribute to a cleaner greener planet. #UnleashValues Image source:
Inclusivity, recognition, and initiation content media

Curious Koala

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