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Forum Posts

Dec 09, 2023
In #UnleashValues
As an aspiring teacher, I want to pass on this knowledge I have learned onto the next generation. If we forget to emphasize how important it is to take care of our world, the nature we know and love will cease to exist in the near future. Outside of lecturing students, I also see myself pursuing research that involves pushing for environmentally conscious practices, bringing along the values I have learned in this course. This course has opened my eyes to the complex topic of sustainability, and with that brought some hard conversations with both myself and others. I intend to be continue to actively involved by reading books to stay informed, taking part in environmental conversations, and potentially volunteering for initiatives that align with my values. Maintaining this ongoing involvement is essential to steer towards a sustainable future. “Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good action; try to use ordinary situations.” - Jean-Paul Richter
Nov 29, 2023
In #UnleashValues
My ENVR group hosted a BioTEL workshop in collaboration with UBC BioSoc. This took place on Nov 26 and although the turnout was not as big as we had hoped, we had great discussions with those who came. Overall, I would say that the workshop was a success, with our peers leaving with new insight on the complicated issue of fast fashion. Pictured below is one our activities- clothing swap!
Workshop Fashion and Sustainability content media
Nov 10, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a world where rewilding, habitat restoration and the reintroduction of keystone species, is widely valued as a strategy for conservation. Where people understand the importance of ecological balance and habitats are restored to their natural state. I value biodiversity as a key part to keeping a healthy earth and the importance of sustainable coexistence between humans and the environment. Intervention: Building natural parks in unused lots of land. This can promote the abundance of native species while attracting positive attention as an attraction for the community. Photo by Jim Diaz
Rewilding Cities content media
Nov 03, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future where alternatives to single-use plastics are priortized and used when possible. Over 50% of the current 380 million tons of plastic produced is from single-use plastic. These single-use plastics are utilized for only a few moments, but are then on the planet for over several hundred years. I value a healthy earth that will translate to a healthy life for us and all the other living things on it. Government should invest in improvements to alternatives so that single-use plastic is no longer an option for companies to use. More education should also be provided, if people realized how harmful plastics are, the culture around it would socially change and spark a sense of urgency. Photo by The Hill
Stop Single-Use Plastics! content media
Oct 27, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future where consumers can assume that the businesses they are making choices that reflect our current crisis and are transparent when making them. Where a reduction in pollution and waste is deemed more valuable than a cut in profits. I value the choices and sacrificies we chose to make for the betterment of the planet. Government, sustainbility professionals and these large companies could collborate to that ensure/understand that companies can make these simple sacrifies that are more sustainable. Regular check-ups on corporations may also be needed to check if their practices follow their claims. Photo by TalentLMS
Better Business content media
Oct 20, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I value a world where hot summers' don't flood the news with evacuation warnings with stories of people and wildlife losing their precious homes. I envision a future with proper wildfire management that responds to the current state of climate change and values our ecosystem. Worsening climate change and wildfire act together as a positive feedback loop cycle (dry land and lightning equals likely fire), and something needs to change. Possible interventions include increasing budgets so that these areas that are wildfire hotspots can be regularly maintained with preplanned actions in place. I persoanlly plan on advocating for simple changes like these by sharing protests and why change is needed on my social media and as a result, put pressure on governments to take action. Image by CBC News
Wildfire  content media
Oct 13, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future where the agriculture industry works hand in hand with both sustainable and ethical practices. I believe that farming should be viewed as a long-term threat to the environment and treated with caution. We need food to survive but we also need a healthy earth to live on. The agriculture industry has grown significantly over the past few decades. This high demand has arisen new problems like soil degregation as companies do not priotitize sustainble but only cost-efficent quantity. As an intervention, government should implement susidies to promote sustainble practices and highlight them with a special label so consumers can have the power to chose to support. Photo from SARE Outreach on Youtube
The Agriculture Industry content media
Oct 06, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future where every person, regardless of geography or socioeconomic status, has access to clean water. A world where our urge for development does not come at the expense of our ecosystems. I believe in the intrinsic worth of every individual and the ecosystems we inhabit. Rivers, lakes, and oceans, which support an array of life, should not be compromised or exploited, but protected so they can continue to support us. I plan on supporting initiatives that support the protection of our ecosystems’ needs and contributions through sharing social media campaigns. Photo by Aquatera
The Value of Water content media
Sep 29, 2023
In #UnleashValues
I envision a future where human values are aligned with supporting the fragile ecosystem AND potential adverse affects faced by those vulnerable. Decisions surrounding the ecosystem can easily cause a domino affect, by "helping" one area can cause another area to be defeated. I believe that we cannot fix problems without being on the same page. If we chose to ignore valuable knowledge from different perspectives, a never-ending chain of problems will continue to arise. This can be said for day-to-day choices as well. I plan to support initives that shed light on all points of view. I will do so by sharing their stories through social media and attending protests that align with these values. Image by Wild & Stone
The Ecosystem Involves Everyone content media
Sep 22, 2023
In #UnleashValues
The iconic lyrics "Cause we are living in a material world, And I am a material girl" by Madonna, best describe the current culture. I believe as consumers, we hold a social responsibility to make mindful purchases. To purchase what we need and consider the factory of longevity. I envision a society that truly appreciates the stuff they own, by valuing the history of the item- the materials/who produced it. Viewing a fast fashion top as simply a cheap, trendy top can be dangerous as consumers dissociate from the unethical labour behind it and the ecological cost. I plan to support initiatives that focus on thrifting and sharing companies that are conscious of our effects. I will share their posts and voice my opinions to my own social media followers in hopes that they will stumble onto someone listening and spark change within them. Photo by Heather Seely on Tamborasi
The Material World content media
Sep 20, 2023
In #UnleashValues
Growing up, "reduce, reuse, recycle" seemed to be the key to sustainability. I was led to believe that if everyone limited their own consumption, the climate change crisis would halt. I envision a future where awareness prevails, recognizing that the crises largely stem from policies and politics, something beyond our own self-control. Real change requires pressure to be placed on these large companies that we cannot mitigate the effects of. My values around this center around the manipulation of policies that put blame onto us as consumers. For example, with the 25-cent fee for cups, the money collected often went straight into the company's profits with no improvements in their sustainability choices. My first step is to learn more, I still have a lot of questions about the root of the crisis. Photo by @masplasht on Unsplash
Envisioning my Future content media


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